
Caroline Herd BSc(Hons), PhD

Caroline has over 25 years experience in both academia and the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry and has authored numerous papers and book chapters. 

Caroline obtained her PhD in Pharmacology from the University of Adelaide and, following doctoral research in Switzerland, and post-doctoral research at King’s College at the University of London, UK, moved into drug development in the pharmaceutical industry in the UK and worked on a number of compounds in the respiratory, cardiovascular and inflammatory therapeutic areas. 

Since returning to Australia, Dr Herd has held senior management positions at ASX listed biotechnology companies, and has been responsible for the regulatory strategy and implementation of drug development plans for a range of therapeutic areas, including neurodegenerative disorders. 


Carolyn Stone RN, BSN  

With over 25 years of industry experience, and knowledge gained from healthcare sector directly, Carolyn brings her specialist skills to clients across many therapeutic areas in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors.

Colleagues and clients report that the reward of working with Carolyn comes from her strong technical knowledge, leadership ability and drive which results in her delivering effective management, coordination and execution on the many facets of a drug development plan.

Her experience comes from working in the front line of health care delivery as well as a number of roles within small, medium and large sized pharmaceutical companies in Australia and the US. This background serves as an invaluable foundation to provide the information, design and management solutions to others in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology arena.

The Quorum Solutions Team

The Quorum Solutions team members are a group of highly skilled specialists with extensive drug development experience in

  • Nonclinical development to support human clinical trials, including safety and pharmacology studies, toxicology testing, drug metabolism and pharmacokinetic (DMPK) evaluations.

  • Clinical development including clinical pharmacology, Phase 1, 2 and 3 safety and efficacy studies, from study feasibility and site selection through protocol development, study execution, data management, biostatistical analysis and report writing.

Therapeutic Experience

Quorum Solutions - have led or contributed to multi-functional and global development teams across a range of therapeutic areas:  

  • Neurodegenerative disorders - Alzheimer's disease, Huntingtons disease, Parkinson's disease

  • Oncology

  • Haematology - AML, CML, ITP, haemophilia, von Willebrands disease, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, C1 esterase deficiency

  • Cardiovascular disorders - stroke, acute coronary syndrome

  • Pain - chronic and neuropathic

  • Metabolic disorders - obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis

  • Respiratory disorders - asthma, COAD

  • Inflammatory disorders - psoriasis, allergic rhinitis

  • Immunology disorders - primary immune disorder

  • Endocrinology disorders - male hypogonadism

Service Provider Experience

Quorum Solutions - has extensive experience with Australian and International Service Providers (CROs) in the following areas: 

  • Clinical study operations

  • Clinical assessment tool development and management

  • Quality assurance services, including audits

  • Nonclinical development

  • Safety, bioanalytical and biomarker sample analysis and assessment

  • Biostatistical services

  • Data management services

  • Clinical safety services - pharmacovigilance, cardiac safety

  • Medical writing